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This website could not have been possible were it not for the generous assistance of a select group of people. Those people, because of their generous assistance, receive thanks here in this page.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Trina Falk, also known as "The Buskid" (although I doubt she can still use that nickname now!). Her website inspired this site. Without her generous assistance, there would practically be no section containing images of the various Gillig nameplate badges, and there would be quite a few less photos to view here. Her generous, and longtime assistance here, deserves the greatest thanks.

Secondly, I give thanks to Mark Obtinario, from my home state of Washington. He's provided much of the information I have about Kenworth Pacific SchoolCoach buses as well as information on the early goings-on of the Gillig Corporation itself. He's also provided many of the photos in this website.

Third, I'd like to ofer a great debt of gratitude and thanks to Tom Shafer and Robert Weeaks, two early contributors to this website. Both have provided many photos, and Tom Shafer's generous assistance and tireless controbutions, has given me greater knowledge about the Gillig Corporation. Many of the "Gillig Brochure" images you see here are provided courtesy of Tom Shafer, and the Pacific Bus Museum.

Stephen Adams, an early contributor, practically made the Kenworth SchoolCoach page possible, and his contributions in the 636D-series Gillig section are especially noted.

Robert Johnson. An exceptional eBay bidder who took the time to scan two Gillig documents for this website in which I had been outbid on. They are now forever available for download and viewing on this website through his efforts.

Timothy Olsen, assistant manager of the Gillig Coach Club. He took over the leadership of Gillig Coach Club on a three-year hiatus I took in the mid-2000s, and for that I am deeply thankful. His contributions are especially noted.

My longtime friend John Laughlin. I would like to thank him for being the "guinea pig" of beta testers throughout the last few years, and for him finding me the "Jewel" of a 1955 Kenworth-Pacific School Coach (which I regrettably no longer own).

I would also like to thank the various school districts here in Washington State that has allowed generous access to their bus yards for me to photograph their Gillig buses. Here's a partial list:

Peninsula School District.
Shelton School District
Puyallup School District
Quillayute Valley School District
North Mason School District

Anyone else who does not get mention, yet has contributed here in the last five years, will get mentioned if they send me an e-mail.


GilligCoachesNET, the Glass Block logo pattern, and all designs and content contained herein are Copyright © 2001 - 2018 GTCA Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Gillig Logo, design, and all related indicia are registered trademarks of the Gillig Corporation.

Website design © 2018 Loowit Imaging.

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